
Our Studio

Shop 2, 29-31 Playford Ave
Whyalla Playford SA 5600


A website can be an enormously beneficial tool for any business when used to its full potential!
Perhaps the most important aspect to understand is that it portrays an image of your product or service to your potential clients. It’s vital to fully comprehend what that means and how this affects your sales.

A website with old content, say a blog for example that has posts many months old sends out alarm bells to the viewer. They might be asking themselves the following questions:

• Is any of this information current?
• Does this business care about their image?
• The product this business is offering will be no better than this old website.
• This business is not professional. Pass.

Many businesses in the past would have a website ‘just because they could’.
That was fun in the nineties, but in todays day and age everyone is on the internet and image is everything! People are looking for the answer their problem! It’s important you portray yourself as a business that can not only meet, but exceed your potential customer’s needs.

The internet has given the customer the upper hand. Using the Internet, customers will research their next purchase.

If you’re lucky enough, Google might list your outdated website in their search results, but if your website is outdated- it may as well not even be there. Customers expect more for their dollar today than ever before and if your website is lacking, you’re sending your customers directly to your competitor.

Time limitations and ability to write compelling content can be huge constraints when it comes to managing your website.
If you don’t have the time or capability to keep the content on your website professional and current, using a content or copywriter to regularly update the content on your website will be of enormous benefit.
An interesting point to note is that there is a difference between copywriting and content writing.

A copywriter understands how to communicate with a target audience and will use language to persuade the viewer to take a specific action. A content writer will focus on content that teaches, informs, captivates & instructs readers. Applying these techniques to the content on your website ensures it is written with a purpose to achieve results.

This is a service we are proud to be able to offer to our clients!
We’re fortunate to have personnel on our team that can write content fit for a king!

If your website is lacking fresh, quality content, contact us today to help take your business to the next level.

Happy Selling!
